Galil jig for 80% receivers 5.56 / .223 for both semi as well as select-fire



The Galil PRO 5.56 jig completely captures the 80% receiver and lays out the locations of the crosspins for the hammer, trigger, autosear, as well as all of the receiver bottom cutouts.  It also includes the different drilling holes for the large or small safety pin hole on the left side of the receiver.  The bottom plate of the jig locates the autosear slot as well as the ejector tang on the 80% milled receiver.


Galil jig for 80% receivers 5.56/.223 for full or semi-auto




This was a long time in the making and I can certainly understand why no one else has taken the time to make a complete 80% jig for the Galil.  The rest of the templates for the Galil available on the market only indicate the trigger and hammer holes; I haven’t seen anything that shows the autosear slot and inner wall details, the size difference in safety pins, or even how to finish the ejector tang from the solid crosspiece on the 80% receiver.  It won’t be long for the competition to copy mine…

From what I am able to find, Tortort is the only manufacturer for an 80% receiver.

It appears to be a quality piece of workmanship, but the measurements they have available for download on his website DO NOT MATCH the actual measurements I took from the IMI military’s select fire “ATF-destruction cut” pieces.  Attached are his links, but pictures of them are below:

Hammer, trigger, safety holes blueprint link

These variances are for not only the hammer, trigger, autosear pin holes, but also the relationships of the slots to the alignment hole on the bottom to the rear trigger guard hole.

Bottom slots blueprint link

These Tortort specifications might work fine for TorTort’s semi-only 80% receiver, but as I said before they DO NOT MATCH the IMI military select-fire pieces that I measured from.

Originally I thought I could use Tortort’s above blueprints and do a sort of clone from my AK PRO 80% jig (perhaps make a few minor changes) so as to create one jig that could accommodate finishing both AK and Galil receivers.  Wrong…..Not only that, but there has to be a relief milled out for the autosear to fit in the Galil (this milling was not needed for the stamped metal AK’s).  See the photo below:

The geometry of the relationship between the hammer, trigger, and autosear is the same, but their triangular configuration rotated differently on the Galil receiver in relation to the bottom plane.  Discovering that issue and then figuring out the differences out proved to be really entertaining.

That in turn means new sideplates, add to that a different slope of the upper rails to the lower receiver and you need a whole new top plate.  And then a new bottom plate with the alignment pin and relocated blocks to capture the trigger guard holes, magazine well and you end up with an entirely new jig.  So much for any interchangeability between my 80% AK and 80% Galil jigs…..

Note that both sideplates (in the photo at the top) have bushing protected holes for repeated use, and you are not just drilling thru to the other side with some single template which are now sold all over the internet.  That drilling method creates way too many alignment errors.

The Galil also turns the keyhole slot downwards at an angle, whereas the AK has that keyhole slot parallel to the top plane so another right sideplate modification was required.

This sideplate (pictured both above and below) contains the radius for the keyhole slot (above) and the slot shape (below) rotates in the bottom sideplate to give you all the locations required.

There are other anomalies as well, the hole on the left side of the receiver (muzzle end facing away) for the safety in the store-bought IMI semi version 5.56 Galil is .191” diameter (as is the AK).  However, on the IMI miliary full auto ATF-cut piece Galil version it is .4375” (third picture down).  It looks as if there is also some sort of operational bushing installed (see photo below this next one).

That means that a second left sideplate was required to accommodate the larger left side safety hole (pictured above).  The end user should use caution prior to drilling, making certain that the internal parts you wish to use will fit the final holes (large or small diameter).

Full auto safety
Semi auto rifle safety vs. full auto cut Galil receiver

Not only that, but the shape of the slots in the bottom in the semi (as well as per the Tortort blueprints) is different in their version with regards to the trigger and pistol grip require a bit more material needing to be removed.  My jig bottom template indicates either shape.  Again end user discretion is advised prior to final trimming (semi or full models) of those slots with regards to your part’s shapes.

Galil bottom marking template and cut full-auto receiver
IMI military Galil cut full auto receiver in bottom plate

Galil jig bottom plate with autosear slot front and rear locator markers
Galil jig bottom plate with ejector shape details

This kit includes templates for exact layout for either the semi or select fire Galil with the following:

  • Proper locations of hammer, trigger, and autosear holes.
  • Proper location and shape of right side safety keyhole slot and 2 different diameter holes (semi or full) for receiver left side safety hole variations
  • Proper locations of all slots and shapes in bottom of receiver
  • Proper location and shape of autosear rail slot (shown below)
  • Detailed measurments of milling required in right side inner wall (for autosear only)
  • Proper location of left side casing ejector tab
Galil jig bottom in place matching up to IMI military full auto cut receiver piece

Diagrams in the instructions show all of the dimensions for the milling required on the right hand inner wall for the autosear to have the clearance to sit properly.  They also show the detail involved with the autosear opening in the lower bolt carrier rail and its corresponding extended slot.

Autosear spring detail

Autosear detail bottom view

Every aspect of this jig has been given much thought and should encompass everything you need successfully make an operational Galil receiver into either full or semi-automatic.   The detailed instructions are sent out with the USPS priority tracking number email.

If in doubt about the quality of my entire jig lineup, read this Reddit link about the AK PRO (click here)

Currently I also have a complete 80% AR jig/assembly system, an AR conversion jig, an 80% AR receiver tester, as well as an AK-47/74 Class II jig for the 80% pre-bent and heat treated receivers, an AK scope mount template, an H&K flat template, a semi to select fire jig for existing HK rifles, and a semi to select-fire conversion jig for the SEF trigger pack which does not corrupt a semi auto receiver, a Galil 80% jig, a locked slide conversion (for suppressor use) for the GSG 1911-22 and a Ruger 10-22 80% jig (also with locked bolt drill-in locator) on-line now.

Jig/template assemblies and supporting parts of the jigs in the photos are included, however (trigger groups or trigger boxes and/or trigger pack assemblies, firearms, receivers, parts, tools, milling bits, and/or drill bits are not included).

Thank you for your attention.

Keep in mind that I am an 07 FFL with a Class II SOT (suppressor and machinegun manufacturer) and essentially all other internet vendors of items similar in function/use to my kits are neither licensed FFL’s nor SOT’s.

A shout out to the (4) companies renting autos (made using my AK, AR, and HK-SEF conversion jigs) on the firing line at O.F.A.S.T.S. last summer.  I appreciate all of the accolades, but I sort of wished that you would have stayed at my table a little longer, giving the all-important satisfied customer speeches to all of the passersby.

Also a big thank you to Mike @ O.F.A.S.T.S. for getting me those cut IMI Galil pieces that I used to design my new Galil jig.

If you wish to convert an operational semi auto Galil into a select fire model, you must use this jig:

AK 47 / AK 74 Galil Class II Conversion Jig for select-fire ( full auto ) – not for 80% receiver blank

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